Medical Tourism Awards 2017 23 wInneR lIsTInGs Dental Tourism Company of the Year Service ExcellenceMedical Tourism Specialist of the YearMedical Tourism ProviderMedical Insurance CompanyFertility Tourism Company of the Year Medical Tourism FacilitatorDental House Playa del CarmenBernice Katherine InternationalOlawale SanbeOmar ShalabiAXA Healthcare ManagementCarlos LeivaPremium Swiss Medical Services Medical Tourism Provider of the YearCosmetic SpecialistCosmetic Tourism Facilitator of the YearMedical Tourism FacilitatorDental Clinic of the YearDental Tourism Facilitator of the Year Psychiatry SpecialistDental SpecialistSwiss Healthcare Services (Swiss Discovery)Lotus Medical InternationalRestored Beauty GetawaysHealth Beyond BordersKreativ Dental UKHungarian Dental TravelBrevin Care GroupHealth & Wellness Network of the Americas MexICo nIGeRIa saudI aRabIa sInGapoRe spaIn swITzeRland swITzeRland ThaIland unITed aR ab eMIR aTes unITed KInGdoM usa