16 17 Dr. Tal Roudner specialises in plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation, breast implants, breast lift, male breast reduc-tion, female breast reduction and breast revi-sion surgery. Dr Tal Roudner is one of the few selected plas-tic surgeons chosen to be an investigator of Allergan’s Natrelle 410 Anatomically Shaped Highly Cohesive Form Stable Silicone Breast Implants, also known as the “Gummy Bear” Breast Implants.As a plastic surgeon who performs aesthetic and reconstructive surgery on the face. Dr Tal Roudner is well versed in the anatomy and the aesthetic of the face. When not spending time in the operating room, Dr Tal Roudner spends the majority of his time performing facial re-juvenating and lip augmentation treatments with facial fillers and neuromodulators such as: Botox,Voluma, Radiesse, Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, and Belotero Balance. Dr. Tal Roudner has co-authored chapters in one of the latest textbooks on cosmetic sur-gery: Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift. In addition, he authored an article on chest re-construction in one of the world’s leading jour-nals on surgical operative techniques. Dr. Tal Roudner is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), Miami Society of Plastic Surgeons, and Ameri-can Medical Association from whom he re-ceived the “Physician Recognition” award. He also holds the prestigious title as a fellow of the American College of Surgeons (ACS).Dr. Roudner is in private practice at the Aes-thetic Surgery Center of Coral Gables and is on staff at Baptist Memorial Hospital, South Miami Hospital, Doctors Hospital and Mercy Hospital. Dr. Tal T. Roudner’s practice is located in beautiful Coral Gables, Florida and is conve-niently accessible from any region in the Mi-ami metro area.Can you talk us through some of the procedures you offer?Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast Re-construction, Breast Reduction, Breast En-hancement, Breast Implant Removal, Breast Implant Replacement, Breast Implant Revi-sion, Capsular Contracture Treatments, Gyn-aecomastia (male breast reduction), Nipple Surgery, Areola Surgery, Peri-areolar Incision, Infra-mammary Incision, Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation, Nipple and Areola Surgery, In-ternal Bra/surgical Scaffold surgery, Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty, Liposuction/liposcu-lpture , Mommy Makeover, Lip Augmentation, Facial Fillers, Botox, Kybella is a new method injecting deoxycholic acid for sub-mental fat reduction, Otoplasty (ear surgery), Rhinoplas-ty (nose surgery), Labiaplasty (vaginal surgery), Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), Brow Lift, Facelift, Neck lift, Fat Transfer, Scar Revision, Mole Removal, Skin cancer treatment. Dr. Tal Roudner www.talroudnerplasticsurgery.com +1 305 443 353 talroudner@aol.com Dr. Tal Roudner Most Outstanding in Breast Augmentation What are the latest invasive and non-invasive methods used in the plastic and reconstructive field? There has been an explosive amount of inva-sive and non-invasive new technologies and treatments. Non-invasive technologies that create skin tightening, skin resurfacing and fat dissolution are the most popular non-invasive treatments today. Ultherapy delivers skin tight-ening by ultrasound and Thermi delivers it by RF. Skin resurfacing by methods of fractional CO2 or erbium laser have been around for a while but have been improving significantly of-fering more comfortable delivery in a shorter times. Cool sculpting a fat reduction treatment delivers cryotherapy to dissolve fat cells. Kybel-la is a new methods of injections used to dis-solve submental fat by use of deoxycholic acid. The minimally invasive treatments with der-mal fillers have seen a large increase. Voluma and Volubella are some of the different types of injectables which have improved longevity and efficiency are now available. In the surgi-cal field, breast augmentation has seen a vast increase in the types of different breast im-plants available. The shapes, profiles and the filling materials have improved. More cohesive silicone implants such as the 410 Anatomically shaped and Inspira implants from the Natrelle line. These implants have an improving ability to hold their shape as well as reduce the rip-pling of the implants. The use of the new Keller funnel has improved the delivery of the breast implants in a less traumatic and a more ster-ile technique. New and improved technology in wound closer has been introduced by Israeli companies such as Topclosure ™ 3S System that eliminates the need for sutures and can spread the tension on the skin about 100,000 times better than we could do before. This is cur-rently used mostly for traumatic wounds and reconstruction but also has implications for future use in all fields of surgical wound treat-ments. Fat injections have become very popu-lar procedures in all cosmetic and reconstruc-tive procedures. The new systems enabling less traumatic harvesting, processing and delivering the fat as well as storing it for future use are on the forefront of the plastic surgery field today.How can you ensure patients are safely treated as new methods and new procedures are introduced?It is unfortunate that so many new methods and procedures are introduced to the market with great hype and high level marketing plans but do not always have any proper clinical stud-ies to back up their claims. The new methods should undergo the test of time and be proven to be effective. The patients should not to be treated with any new methods until enough cases have been performed and their safety and efficiency profile has been tested by objec-tive body. Clinical studies should be conducted