32 33 Dr Salil Bharadwaj is a board certified Con-sultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon. He is a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Associa-tion of Plastic Surgeons of India and European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery. He has more than 10 years’ experience in the field of Plastic Surgery and has been actively involved in the training of plastic and general surgery postgraduates. After practising in sev-eral leading corporate hospitals in Bangalore, India, he now works at one of the Gulf’s top hospitals, the Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Bah-rain. He is also a regular speaker in Interna-tional conferences and has published several articles in reputed journals.Bahrain Specialist Hospital (BSH) stands as a centre of excellence in the Arabian Gulf. It is a highly specialised 100 bedded Medical Centre that provides up to date medical services by experienced Consultants and Specialists, us-ing the latest technologies with the-state-of-the-art medical equipment and systems.An international team of over 160 nurses and 72 doctors provide state of the art medi-cal care with some of the most modern and in some cases uniquely available equipment in the region. The hospital continuously in-vests in training programs and workshops to keep doctors and nurses abreast of the lat-est medical techniques and technologies. This is complimented by lectures, daily semi-nars and unrestricted electronic access to the most renowned medical references across the world. Dr Salil Bharadwaj most commonly carries out liposuction, liposculpturing and abdomi-noplasty, however, body contouring, body lift procedures, minimally invasive face lifts, sur-gical and nonsurgical facial rejuvenation, liq-uid face lifts, fat transfer for facial and body volumisation, breast surgeries, gynaecomas-tia reductions, and microsurgery is also avail-able. Patients are never treated in assembly line fashion at the Bahrain Specialist Hospi-tal, treatments are always individualised and treatment goals are discussed in detail before surgery to ensure patients are fully informed about what is possible and what to expect. Unrealistic expectations and non-ethical de-mands are never entertained. The team of doctors and nurses at the Bahrain Specialist Hospital always endeavour to be at the cutting edge of innovation in our practice. In Dr Salil Bharadwaj’s specialism, keeping up to date and ahead of technology and devel-opments is essential, and this is shown in the harnessing of the new concept of non-surgical liquid face lifts using area wise specific fill-ers and botox, as well as minimally invasive thread lifts. Dr. Salil Bharadwaj Surgeon +973 36055143 salilbharadwaj@gmail.com salil.bharadwaj@bsh.com.bh Dr. Salil Bharadwaj Medical Practitioner bAHRAIN