12 CalciumThis is needed to help with muscle contraction and is found in almonds, sesame seeds and fortified foods.MagnesiumThis is also involved in muscle contraction and to boost energy levels also helping to reduce fatigue and muscle cramps. This is found in: nuts, seeds, green leafy veg-etables and garlic.ZincHas a role in the production of testosterone which helps to build muscles, and it also helps the muscles to recov-er from exercise. Zinc can be found in pulses, pumpkin seeds, spinach, nuts and mushrooms.Vitamin DHas been shown to help in muscle strength and perfor- mance. Found in mushrooms, tofu and fortified foods such as plant milks. Best obtained from being in natural sunlight and so both vegans and meat-eaters may find the need to supplement in the winter months or if they are not out in the sunlight very often.Omega-3 May decrease muscle breakdown and enhance strength training. Best sources for vegans are from walnuts, flax seed, chia seeds, nuts and even fresh basil.Vitamin CImportant for the health of blood vessels (some of which will supply oxygen to muscles), as well as being important for collagen and elastin synthesis. Vitamin C is available in broccoli, tomatoes and strawberries.Vitamin EHelps cells to recover from the oxidative stress of mus-cle damage thus helping them to repair better. Found in almonds, spinach, carrots, avocados and olive oil.B VitaminsParamount for energy production, and without these there may not be enough energy to work the muscles effectively. B vitamins can be found in: nuts, rice, bread, peas, legumes, potatoes, soya beans, mushrooms and brewer’s yeast. B 12 may need to be taken from fortified foods such as yeast extract, plant milks and nutritional yeast. This is one vitamin that can be lacking in both veg- an, and meat-eating diets. Although B 12 is produced in the gut of animals and thus would normally be ingested unIted KIngdom