25 Exercise doesn’t kill people, exercise buys you time. To me, exercise, food, and sleep are the three most impor- tant medicines for the body. In fact, I believe that if we take the correct dosage of these medicines, we probably wouldn’t need most of the prescribed medicines that are consumed daily in the first place! What is the best exercise for achieving visible abs?Having visible abs is all about achieving low overall body fat and the biggest factor in this is your diet. You could do a million sit-ups every day for a year, but if you have too much body fat you will never see your defined abs. Turn your focus to eating the right amount each day and creating a structured and enjoyable train-ing programme.Doing hundreds of reps on a muscle or your abs won’t make it grow too much. 40-60 heavy reps per muscle group is the optimal range for stimulating and build-ing muscle. Building muscle will not only help achieve better body shape, but will accelerate the rate you lose body fat. HIIT is also a great alternative to boring, steady cardio to help reduce body fat.