32 We must take into account the following in addition to the factors mentioned above:• Not all products found in an organic store are healthy, since sometimes these products may have re-fined ingredients such as flour, sugar or some other component not suitable for our bodies so we must be cautious whenever we buy and eat foods. Identify which products are nutritious and favoured by the cli-mate and the location where they are produced before purchasing them.• Our nutrition should be based on our needs, taking into account: our lifestyle, work, activities, gen-der, age, the season of the year and our region. There are also some symptoms that tell us about deficiencies in nutrition such as digestive disorders, headaches, ir - ritability, bad mood, constipation, joint or bone pain in general, loss of flexibility, loss of muscle mass, low physical and mental performance among others.• Getting to adulthood and ageing in a healthy way depends 30% on genetics and 70% on the lifestyle we have; this means a healthy lifestyle that includes maintaining a balanced diet in general – a balance of water, muscle, minerals and fat.• Having a good relationship between these four components takes our bodies away from diseases, and so the physical and mental deterioration caused by age can occur in a more subtle way if we learn to take care of ourselves. Dr. Silvia Raquel Bueno graduated in general medi-cine from the prestigious university “Catolica Madre y Maestra” of the city of Santiago, Dominican Re-public. She obtained her postgraduate degree in vas-cular surgery and angiology in Mexico Ciyt, D.F., in the “General Hospital Manuel Gea Gonzalez” and in the “Centro Medico Nacional 20 de Nobiembre” After completing her postgraduate studies she began to practice in her hometown La Vega at the Hospital Dr. Luis Manuel Morillo King, as a private practive at the “Union Medica del Norte Clinic”, one of the most recog-nized clinics in the city of Santiago, where she currently practices. Since 2004, she has been a lecturer in conven-tions, seminars and workshops on nutrition, health and personal care both locally and internationally. She has participated in multiple media of informative nature on venous diseases.She has recently written her first books as a contribu-tion to her patients and the general public, in the areas of nutrition and vein diseases.She is currently vice president of AMES “Asociacion Mun-dial para la Excelencia en la Salud” (World Association for Excellence in Health) for the Dominican Republic. Member of the Dominican College of Surgeons, Member of the AMD “Asociacion medica doninicana” (Domincan Medical Association”, Member of EACTs The European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery & Member of ESVS European Society for Vascular Surgery. domInICAn rePublIC Our nutrition should be based on our needs, taking into account: our lifestyle, work, activities, gender, age, the season of the year and our region.