15 For exercising individuals, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) provides guidelines for re-hydration during and after exercise, as fluid require-ments are higher for anyone engaged in regular activity. Although replacing weight lost through exercise at the rate of ‘a pint for every pound of weight lost’ is relatively well known, Evans et al. (2017) suggest that volume re-placement during recovery should exceed that lost dur - ing exercise to allow for ongoing water loss, and that the addition of sodium, carbohydrates and protein to a rehydration solution is beneficial for fluid balance and maintenance, due to the effects on fluid distribution, extracellular osmolality and blood volume. In other words, less water is lost in urine formation when taken in the form of ‘liquid food’ or with food. For the aver - age exerciser replenishing fluids during and after activ-ity, water should usually be sufficient, but if sweating has been excessive or the exercise session longer than 90 minutes duration or particularly strenuous, an iso-tonic/electrolyte drink should be considered. However, after this period of time exercising in conjunction with not eating for a while beforehand, a meal of some sort is likely to be on the cards, which would provide the recommended carbohydrates, protein and electrolytes without them having to be present in hydration replen-ishment.