Psychology Snapshot: $300 billion 3 million 48%440,000 43%8 in 10 £ 100 billion Most common causes of work-related stress in the UK: 44%The amount workplace stress costs American businesses each year Number of work-related injuries in 2014 in the United States Percentage of the British workforce who said they were stressed most of the time and 47% cited performance as a key issue The number of cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2014/15 in the UK Stress is more prevalent in public service industries such as education, health care and public administration Percentage of working days lost due to ill health in the UK workplace in 2014/15 In the UK, women have a higher rate of work-related stress than men Number of workers affected by workplace bullying in the UK The amount that lost productivity and sick leave as a result of workplace stress costs the UK 80% - job insecurity 78% - workload 63% - bullying or harassment 68% - lack of support from colleagues or superiors 55% - lack of clarity on role 52% - limited opportunity to manage work patterns Percentage of adults who claim their job affects their overall health Sources: Huffington Post, Health and Safety Executive, Harvard Gazette, Essential Skillz